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Complete Get Together Performer List

Thanks to all the performers below who helped make 80+ years in magic possible

Name Year
Abbott, Bill 2006
Abbott, Percy 1934,1935,1936,1937,1938,1940,1941,1942,1943,1946,1952,1955,1959
Abrams, Stan 1942
Adams, Don 1980
Adams, Graham 1952
Adams, Ralph and Co. 1969,1972,1988
Airjazz 1984,1987
Al The Only 2002
Alan, Don 1961,1973
Alana 2018
Aldrich, Steve 1980
Alex, Lee 2015
Alexander, Reynold 2022
Alexander, Scott 2013,2016,2019
Alexander, The Great 1953,1955,1957,1968
Allen, Clive & Tracy 2013
Allen, Kenneth 1947,1949
Allen, Stan 1984,1992,2012
Ammar, Michael 1988
Anderson & Christine 1959
Anderson, Doug 1984,1990
Anderson, Gene 1971,1976,1986,1990,1993,1996,2003,2017
Andost 2007,2008
Andrews, Carl 2001
Andrews, jeanette 2011,2013
Andy (Germany) 1999
Antonio 1949
Archer, Danny 2007,2024
Archer, John 2003
Arlene, Madam 1973
Arnold, Les (and Dazzle) 2011
Arthur, Dirk 1977
Arturo 1962,1964,1965,1966
Atkins, Jeffery 1992
Aubrey 1949
Ayala, Joaquin 2016
Baaron, Dr Van 1966
Bailey, Jim 1955
Baker, Harry 1940
Ballantine 1959
Balsters 2000,2005,2010
Banachek 2016
Baney, Jason 1993,2000
Banjo, bob 1955
Barans, The 1987
Bargatze, Stephen 2000,2005,2009,2019
Barnett 1958
Barron, Jim 1991,1994
Barrows, Jack 1976
Barry, Ron 1965
Bass, Jonathan 1996
Bauer and Co. 1957,1962,1966,1970
Baum, Ed 1943
Baxt, Robert 1986,1992,2018
Beck, Stuart 1988,1990
Becker, Fred 2001,2009,2014,2018
Becker, Linda 1975
Bedwell, Ray 1949
Belmont, Al 2004
Ben, David 1985
Bengel, Robert 1996
Benjamin, Arthur 1980,1984
Bennett, Dr. Zina 1942
Bennett, Nils 2004
Bentley, Ward 1942
Berg, Joe 1936,1944,1946
Bergen, Edgar 1948,1952
Bergeron, Bev aka Rebo the Clown 1962,1975
Bergor, Ben 1944
Berland, Sam 1972,1976
Berlin Brothers 1969
Berry, Jay Scott 1990
Bethea, Kevin 2018
Bibik, Jeff 1998,2017
Biller, Steve 1980,1982,1984
Biro, Pete 1970,1980
Bishop, Jason 2007,2015
Bizzaro 2016,2022
Blackmore, Chris 2014
Blackstone Ladies 2007
Blackstone, Gay 2000,2004,2012
Blackstone, Harry Jr 1964,1971,1974,1976,1977,1978,1979,1981,1982,1983,1984,1985,1986,1987,1988,1989,1990,1991,1992,1993,1994,1995
Blackstone, Harry Sr. 1961
Blagg, Bill 2011
Blaney, Becky 1975
Blaney, Walter Zaney 1965,1977
Bloch, Rich 2000
Block, Bruce 1987,1990,1996,2002
Bloenk, Bob 1991,1999,2006
Bloom, Gaetan 2002
Bobo 1938,1947,1948,1949
Bode, Walt & Bev 1966
Bogunia, Sean 2001,2004
Boley, Bill (Colonel) 1973,1974,1976,1978,1992,1995
Bondreau, Dr. 1953
Bongo, Ali 1983,1995,2001
Booth, Ken 1959
Bordner, Greg 2018
Bordner, Recil 1934,1935,1936,1937,1965,1970,1975,1978
Borsh, Barry 1957
Borst 1958
Boston, George 1949
Bouton, Pete 1961
Bowen, T.L. 1948
Boyce, Alex 2014,2024
Boyer, Jeff 1993,2003,2009
Brandyberry, Mark 1980,1986
Braun, John 1939,1943
Brazy 1937
Breindenstien, C.L. 1936
Brent, Lu 1947
Britten, Noel 2002
Brizendine, Bob 2010
Brodien, Marshall 1978
Brook, Jerry 1946
Brooks, Glenn 1983
Brown, James Chantler 1995
Brown, Randy 1977,1988
Brown, Russell 1952,1955
Bryan, John 1977
Buckley, Arthur 1948
Buddy Big Mountain 1986,1988,1991
Bundy, John & Morgan 1998,2004,2013,2015,2019,2022
Burden, Adam 1993
Burger, Eugene 2012
Burgoon, Tom 2003,2008
Burton, Lance 1977,1982,2021,2022,2023,2024
Burton, Nathan 1995
Buss, Eric 1996,2001,2018
Bybee, Paul (Pablo) 1949
Cairy, Dr. Clyde 1942,1946,1952
Calabrese, Mark 2018
Caldwell, Mike 1968,1970,1972,1976,1980,1987,1991
Calvert, John 2001,2011
Camagini 1946,1947
Campbell, Loring 1938,1941
Canapp, Earl 1969,1986
Cannon, Mark 2010
Capehart, Chris 2002,2006
Caplinger, Lonnie & Wanda 1994
Cardini 1939
Carey, Chris 1984,1989
Carey, Vin 1941,1949
Carmen, Vince 2005
Carney, John 1989,2010
Carr, Vernon 1948,1953
Carrer, Charles 1941
Caspian, David 1993
Caveney, Mike 1970,1975,1977,1978,1982,1985,1989,1992,1998,2010,2011,2012,2017,2021,2022,2023,2024
Ceasar, Ben 1998
Cecil, Harry 1936,1937,1942
Cedric of London 1952
Cervine, Scott 1986,1989
Chambers, Lloyd 1946
Chang 1953
Chapek, Tony 2005,2016
Charles, Tod 1997,2001,2006
Charvet, David 2012,2017
Chaudhuri, Arial and Damara 2003
Chavez, Marian 1971
Chen, Juliana 1998
Chen, Liu 2005
Cheney & Mills 1991,1997
Chezaday 1992,1999,2003,2009,2013,2019,2023
Christian & Katalina (Married to Magic) 2008,2013,2019
Chronos, Dr. & Ellen 1972
Church, Jim 1965
Circus Boy 2007
Clark, Tony 1990,1992
Cleve, Van 1977
Clintons, The 1949,1953,1956
Close, Mike 1997
Cohen, Al 1989,1994
Cokendall 1957
Cole, Danny 1997,2004
Coleman, Dave and Pauline 1936,1937,1938,1942,1943
Collins, Harry 1972,1973,1977,1980
Colombini, Aldo 1993
Coluzzi, Bob 1974
Commins, William 1983
Conklins, The Amazing 1961,1964,1965,1966,1969,1971,1975,1976,1979,1982,1986,1999,2003
Contento, Marcelo 1993,1998
Cook, Bill 2014,2018
Cook, Terri 2024
Coon, George 1948,1949,1953
Copper, Ger 1977
Cordays 1978
Corsaro, David 2018
Cornelius, John 1980,1984,1993
Cossari, Joe 1964
Cox, Martin 2016,2019
Cox, Raymond 1946
Cramer, Stuart 1957
Crandall, Barbara (Miss Michigan) 1987
Crandall, Clarke (The Senator) 1955,1956,1957,1959,1961,1962,1964,1966,1968,1969,1970,1971,1972
Craven, Tom 2002
Cresey, David 1990,1991,1995
Cripe, Tim 2014
Cummings, Clare 1959,1962
Cunningham, Jason 1991
Curtain, Tommy 1978
Cyprian, Father 1982
D'Rey, Phil 1953, 1958
Daikitanaka 2005
Daley, Rose Mary 1953
Dallas, Andy 1996,2007,2013
Dameon 2015
Dance of Illusion 2009
Dancing Magical Models 1966
Dang, Minh 2019
Danger Circus 2018
Daniel, T. 1991
Daniels, Brett 1986,1988,1991,1992,1994
Daniels, Dana 1984,1998,2012
Daniels, Danny 1959
Dante, Domenico 2002
Darling, Lucy (aka Carisa Hendrix) 2018
Darnell, Nani 1962
Darst, Nancy 1997
DARYL (Easton) 1982,1996
Davenport, Roy 1989
David and Dania 2005,2012,2017,2018
Davis, Earl 1952,1953
Davison, Pat 2014
Davison, Peter 1995
De Fakers 1947
De La Torre, Jose 1975,1977,1994
De Yip Loo & Co 1965,1970,1973,1975,1981
De Young, Dick 1956,1966,1974
DeCamps, Eric 2021
DeVries, John 1969
Dean, Douglas 1971
Deeble, David 1984
Deholt, Jack 1968
Del Arno 1948
Deleta 1958,1959
Dell Davis Girls 1953
Dello, Karr 1952
Demar, Bill 1990
Derringers, The 1995,2000,2005
Devlin, Joe 2002,2008
Devon, Dave 1986
Dew, Daniel 1940
Diamond, Joe 2004, 2013
Diamond, Ken 1965,1972,1974
Diamond, Paul 1986
Dickson, Abb 1973,1974,1975,1977,1978,1980,1982,1983,1985,1988,1990,1992,1993,1997,2000
Dickson, Craig 1998
Didomenico, Mike 1999, 2000
Diffatte, Nick 2021,2022
Dillies, Lyn 1998
Dimmare, James 1984,1987,1992,2011
Dinon, Jack 1978
Dirksen, Beth 1973
Divad & Co. 1972,1980,1981
Domzalski, Walter 1942
Doolittle, Mark 1973
Dornfield, Werner (Dorny) 1937,1942,1943,1953,1961,1962,1964,1965,1968,1969,1971,1972,1973,1974,1976,1978,1979
Dowley Brothers 1936
Dowley, Junior 1938
Downey, Robert 1965,1969,1972,1975,1978
Driscoll, Paul and Co. 1978,1979,1983
DuBois, Richard 1962
Dumm, Ken 2018
Dunn, Ricki 1959,1970,1988
Duraty, Les 1984
Dynamike 2015
Eberhardt, Joan 1942,1944
Eckam, Elmer 1949
Eclipse Illusion 1984
Eddie, Joe & Betty 1985,1986
Elliott, Katherine 1936,1937
Elliott, Lyle 1946
Elton, Terry 2006
Emmett, Cal 1966
Emmick, Paul 2007,2010
Enslows, The 1944
Estes, Lt Lee Allen 1943
Evans, Celeste 1964,1970,1971
Evans, Mark & Marlynn 1981
Evanswood, Terry 1988,1990
Evasons, The 2024
Fable, Ron 1962,1966
Fabulous Mr Lyle 1968
Fairchild, Magic of 2004
Falkenstien, Glen 1979,1989
Fantasio 1966,1980
Farquhar, Shawn 2018
Farrell, Dick 1957,1958
Faulkner, Leland 2015
Faust, Dr. 1964
Fern, Will 2019
Fernandez, Ed 1983,1984
Ferrentino, John 2019
Fetsch, Hen 1955
Fields, Keith 2010,2015
Finney, Michael 1996,1999,2004,2012
Fisher, Rick 1998
Fitzsimmons, Jim 2003,2009
Flint, Howard 1976,1977,1985,1987
Flosso, Al 1947,1958
Foan Family Circus 1979,1980
Fogo, Dave 1942
Forget, Richard 2000,2007
Forton, Piet 1985
Foster, Neil 1952,1953,1956,1957,1958,1959,1961,1962,1964,1965,1966,1967,1969,1970,1971,1973,1974,1975,1977,1979,1981,1982,1983,1984,1986
Fox, Karrell 1943,1947,1948,1949,1952,1961,1962,1964,1965,1966,1968,1969,1970,1971,1972,1973,1974,1975,1976,1977,1978,1979,1980,1981,1982
Fox, Lynn 1964,1973
Fox, Peggy 1999
Foxwell, Phil 1940,1941
Frack, Julius 2002
Franko 1997
Franzen, Ivan 1964,1965
Freer, Winston H 1940
Frewin, Greg 1994,1998
Frisbie, Hugh 1955,1994
Fu Ching 1977
Fujisawa, Mayuko 2005
Fukai and Kimika 1987,1992,1995,2002,2006
Furiyama, Hikari 2004
Gabbay, David 2015
Gamesters 1998
Gancia, Mike 2000
Garray & Tomio 1976
Garray, Carl 1974,1993
Geoffries, Ron 1998,2005
Gerard, Glen 2001,2007
Gerber 1943
Germain, Lee 1997
Gertner, Paul 1975,1979,1994
Gillam, Aaron & Denise 2009
Ginn, David 1978,1988,2008
Giordmaine, Johnny 1944,1961
Glinski, Tom 1980
Gloviczki, Peter 1983,1984
Goebel & Co. 1971
Goldfinger & Dove 1994
Goodliffe of Birmingham 1952
Gordon, Gene 1940, 1958
Gorens, Linda 1975
Gorham, Ace 1955
Gorky 1982
Goshman, Al 1973
Goudeau, Michael 2021,2022
Grabel, Lee 1955
Graff, Rosalind 1971
Grant, General 1982,1989
Grant, U.F. 1940,1941
Green, Harrison 2017
Griffin, Ken 1968,1972,1974,1976
Griffith, Tony 1981
Griswold, Stephanie 1993
Grosso, Vinnie 2016,2022
Groves, Ken 2000, 2013
Grundy, Fred 1953
Gustafson, Bert 1938
Gustafsons, The 1972,1973,1995
Gwynne, Jack 1961,1962,1965,1969
Gydeson, Walt 1948
Gysel, Bob 1936
Hahne, Brenda 2016
Hahne, Marty & Brenda 2004,2006,2009
Haist, Carl 1944
Hale, Howard 1979,1984,1985,1992
Hamners 1993
Haney, Denny 2013,2016
Hanning, Jim 1965
Harary, Franz 1980,1987,1988,1991,1993,1998,2003,2008,2012,2021
Harris, Tom 1952
Harris, Walter 1941,1947
Harrison, Joe 1993,2000
Harrison 1956
Hart, Chris 1992,2010,2017
Hart, Steve 1995
Haxton, Francis 1952
Haywood, Glenn 1974
Hazell, Pat 2023
Hecklau, Axel 2024
Heitler, Joyce 1972
Heller, Kevin 2000,2003,2008,2011,2019
Helms, Mercer 1966,1968,1970,1991
Henri, L.L. 1976
Herbert, Jack 1941
Herbert, Terry 1988,1992
Herman, John 1949
Higa, Bob 1974,1984,1988,2002,2010
Hill, Rich 1980
Hill, Tim 2000,2011
Hillburger, Mike 1992
Hindman, Dale 1991,2004
Hirose, Johnny 2005
Hite, Leo 1957,1966
Hobson, Jeff 1976,1977,1979,1980,1990,1991,2002,2007,2014,2021
Hodgson, Joel 1989,1992,2021,2022
Hoefert, Nevin 1948,1964
Holiday, Joe & Sharon 2002
Hollingworth, Guy 2023
Holmes, James 1985
Holsteins, Mark and Sue 1992,1994,1997,1998,2003,2006,2009,2011,2013,2016,2021
Hopman, John 1981
Hopman, Marien 1981,2010
Hopper, Marilyn 1943
Howard, Paul 1962,1964,1969
Hoy 1958
Huang, Pohan 2017
Hudy, Jason 2014,2017
Hugard, Jean 1944
Hughes, Richard 1992, 1996, 1997, 2003, 2006, 2009, 2023
Hull, Burling 1943
Hull, Ralph W 1936,1937
Hummer, Bob 1941
Hurd, Fred 1940
Hurt, Bob 1955
Huston, Roy 1959,1964
Hutchinson, Reeder 1940,1959
Hyams, Jim 1990
Invisible Inc 1994,1998
ILgner, Clemens 2016, 2024
Inoue, Takehito 2023
Ireland, Laurie 1936
Isaacs, Peter 1985
Jacobs, Jackie 1975
Jacobson, Magical Matt 1985
Jade 1992,2006
Jaks, Stanley 1955
Jakway, Chris 1980,1981,1984,1987,1994
James, Ardan 1998,2003,2009,2012,2017
James, Jacqueline 1942
James, Kevin 1984,1996,2002,2021
James, Stewart 1946,1982
James, Trent 2013,2015,2019
Jansen, Lindsey 1990
Jansky, John 2021
Jaronas 1974
Jarvis 1946
Jason, George 1956
Jaxon, Ron 2011
Jay, Joshua 1997,2014
Jaye, Aye 1998
Jaye, Eddie 1994
Jean Kettell Dancers 1971
Jean, Barbara 1994,2004
Jene, Jeffrey 2023
Jepson, Bob 1986,1988,1993,1996,1997, 2002
Jisun, Shin 2011
Johnsson, Rick 1978
Johnston, Rory 1982
Johnstone, George 1964,1970,1972,1971,1975,1986,1990,1992,1996,1998
Jones, Davey 1949
Jones, Don & Co. 1988,1996
Jones, Little Johnny 1964
Joseph, Eddie 1952
Josephine 1986
Joy, Bill 1964
Jue Fong, Frank 1947
Juggler Bob 2003
Junge Junge 2001
Jupiter, Mr 1999
K, Daniel 2023
Kalin, Mark 1977
Kalin & Jinger 2017
Kalver, Bruce 2008
Kaplan, David 1994,1996,2000,2006,2009,2021
Kardyro, Tony 1962
Karr, Todd 1986
Karson, Joe 1946,1948,1949
Kaschube, Mark 1999
Katayama, Kazu 2010
Katayama, Yukihiro 2023
Katsatos, Jorgos 2004
Katsuragawa, Shimpei 2023
Kee, Kim 1955,1956,1968
Keeler, Steve 1984
Kepner,Nathan 2005, 2011
Keyes, Jamahl 1992,1994,1996,1999,2006,2013
Kidwell, Artie 1987,1990,2003,2009,2013,2016
Kikuchi 1980,1983,1986,1988
King and Zerita 1962,1966
King, Chuck 1982,1984
King, Kevin 2001
King, Mac 1989,1995,1998,2012,2021,2022,2023,2024
Kirk, Gene 1965
Kirkham, Chuck 1943,1949
Kirkpatrick 1948
Kissell, Roy 1962,1964,1965,1966,1971,1977
Kkan, Chami 1955,1958
Kohl and Co. 1985,1987,1993
Kole, Andre & Aljeana 1971
Komar 1972
Komohara, Yu 2023
Koran, The Fantastic 1971
Kornhauser, Mark 2017
Korst, Jeff 1982,1988
Kosky, Gerald (Mr. Oso) 1949
Kovac, David 2007
Kovari 1985,1992,1997
Koyama, birdie 2003
Kramer, Bob 1970,1971,1974,1978,1981
Kramien, Stan and Co. 1976,1979
Kurtz, John and Maria 1977,1980,1984,1990,1996,1999
Kurzman, Al 1955
Kutch, Tim 2004
Kyoka 2008
LaChance, Jon 2018
Laflin, Duane and Mary 1994,1996,1998,2001,2005,2009,2018
Lair, Michael P 1990,2004,2006
Lake, Lester (Marvelo) 1936,1937,1938,1940,1942,1943,1949
Lancaster, Brad 1999, 2004,2008
Larsen, Bill & Irene 1980
Larsen, Geraldine (Gerrie) 1949,1956
Latimer, Jason 2004
Lawrence & Co. (Mysterious) 1940,1947
Lawrence, Reggie 1962,1965
Le Vries 1957,1966,1967,1971
Lee and Rosa 1956
Lee, Stan 1943
Leikert, Howard 1988,1989
Lenert, Tina 1978,1982,1985,1989,1992,1998,2010,2012,2017,2021,2022
Lesta, Cliff 1970
Leveridge, Mark 1992
Levkovich, Amos 1993,1997,2009
Lewis, Bill 1949
Lewis, Bob and Ginny 1953,1955,1956,1957,1959,1961,1964,1965,1969,1971,1973,1975,1977,1981
Lewis, Martin 1982
Lewis, Trevor 1980,1985,1992,1999
Lim, Shin 2015
Lines, Phyllis 1943
Linn, Chris 2001
Linsell, David 1981,1987,1991,2012
Little, Bob (Devino, Wiz) 1973,1986,1987,1990,1992,1995,1998
Little, Ed 1936
Lockman 1937
London, Ron 1993,2000
Losander, Dirk 2014
Loomis, Dennis & Co. 1972,1975
Loon, T.R. 2008
Lorraine, Sid 1936,1937,1938,1939,1944,1946,1947,1969,1972,1973,1974,1979,1984,1985,1987,1988
Lotz, Bob 1942,1943
Louine, Harry 1949
Lovell, Simon 1994,1997
Lovick, John (Handsome Jack) 2022
Lowell, Chipper 2018
Luka, John 2007,2011
Lupo, Vito 1983,1991,2003
Lupton, Sunny 1969
Lyell, Edwin 1965
Lyle, Mr. 1968
Lyman 1936,1937
Mabelle 2014
MacDonald, Stuart and Lori 1985,1986,1989,1993,1996,1999,2002,2012,2015
MacDonald, Todd 1995
Macdonald, Stuart 2006,2017,2021
Madam Pinxy 1942
Madden, Dave 1989,1991
Madsen Brothers 1966,1974
Madsen, Bill 1966
Magee, Ruth Ann 1955
Magic Plumbers, The 1993
Mahendra, Doc 1936,1937,1938,1939
Majax, Gerard 1975
Mallen, B.J. 2009,2012,2015,2016,2017,2018,2019,2021,2022,2023,2024
Marcom, Ralph 1981
Marlo, Edward 1965
Marotta, Rich (and Twila Zone) 2011
Marquis, George & Co. 1937,1947
Marrax, Dr 2001
Marsh, Dick 1949
Marshall, Jay 1959,1962,1964,1965,1971,1974,1975,1976,1977,1980,1986,1987,1990,1995,1999,2003,2004
Marshall, Steve 2018
Martin, Andrew 2004
Martin, Jarol 2019
Martineau, Francis B 1969
Mason, Bob (Punch & Judy) 1968,1970,1972,1976,1979
Mate, Ken 2000,2006,2011
Mattioli, Jay 2000,2004,2007,2016
Maverick, Bobby 2015
Maxine 1949
McAllister, Bob 1995
McBride, Jeff 1993,2000,2013
McComb, Billy 1994,2002
McDade, Mike 1974,1975
McDonald Birch and Company 1962
McDonald, Ice 1999,2005,2016,2021
McDonald, Ronald 1987
McGill, Ormond & Co. 1952
McGivern, Mike 2001
Measner, John 1988,2024
Medina, Tomas 2006
Melson, Howard 1941
Melson, Mel 1940,1942,1946,1953,1955
Menotti, Francis 2015
Merchant, Mark 2005,2010,2015
Merdrake & Company 1959
Merrill 1957
Merry, David 2002,2009
Metz, Dennis & Peg 1980,1983
Michaels, Jason 2019
Michaels, Pete 2000
Miller, Brian 2015
Miller, Gordon 1959,1965,1966,1968,1969,1970,1971,1972,1973,1974,1975,1976,1977,1978,1979,1980,1981,1982,1983,1984,1985,1986,1987,1988,1989
Miller, Mike 1998,2016,2021
Milliken, Clint (The Millikens) 1949,1957
Mincone, Howard 1999, 2008
Minder, Al 1943,1944,1946
Minemura, Kenji 2001
Mis, Richard 1961
Mister E 1974
Mitchell, Barry 2024
Mitchell, Chris 2003,2014
Mitton, Mark 2003
Monsieur Brunard 1980
Moore, E.J. 1938
Moore, Fred 2001,2005
Moorehouse, Buddy 2000,2010
Moorehouse, Hank 1970,1974,1990,1991,1995,1996,1997,1998,2004,2008
Morehead, Bob 1949,1953
Moreland, Reuben 2011
Moretti, Hans 1985
Morris, Phillip 1958, 1968
Morrison, John 1956
Morrissy, John and Merry 1956
Mukait, Kento 2023
Mulbarger, Earl 1937
Mulcay, Jimmy and Mildred 1942
Mulholland, John 1939,1943,1944,1949,1957,1965
Mullica, Tom 1971,1973,1975,1976,1977,1979,1992,1997,2012,2015
Munoz, Oscar 2003,2007
Muto, Keiko 2002
Muzel, Ken 1973,1981
Myers, Bob 1978
Myrick, Charlie 1995
Mysterious Manndott 1962
Nabors, Dave 1993
Nagy The Great 1959
Nardini & Nadyne 1946
Neff, Bill 1944,1952,1953,1956,1961
Nellar, Bob 1968
Nelson and Montrose 1942
Neuber, Brian 2005
Nichol, Al 1938,1948
Nichols, Eldon 1941
Nicola, The Great 1937,1942
Nicolet Magic Revue 1975
Nielsen, Norm 1968,1974,1990,1999
Nortons, The 1959
Nu, Alain 2019
O'Day, Dan 1948
O'Days, Lucky 1959
O'Dell, Dell 1941,1948
O'Dowd 1977
Oakes, Ruth 1942,1943
Oakley, Jim 1994,2005,2010
Obrien, Obie 2004,2009
Odow and Sandra 1968
Ogawa, Shoot 2014
Ogden, Tom 1978,1987,1993,1997
Oliver, David 2001,2008,2014
Olson, Howard 1970
Olson, Rev. Bob 1973
Olympia Girls 1955
Onosaka 2005
Osborne, Tom 1943
Oslund, Dick 1975,1976,1977,1995,1999
Otaski, Mickey 1947,1948
Otto, Greg 1978,1984,1986,2009
Otto, Harry 1943,1944,1946
Outerbridge 2014
Pabon, Abel & Marina 1976,1987
Pack, Bill 1988,1989
Page, Pat 1997,2003
Palen, Joe 1976
Palmer, Tom 1962,1965,1969
Park, Jonathan 2002
Pasha, Gocia 1956
Paul Le Paul 1947
Paul, Howard 1962
Pavel 1986,1990,1994,2000,2008
Paxton, George 1936,1937
Pecel, Ivan 2018
Penn, Dale 1973
Perry, Meadow 2023
Petrick & Mia 1988,1990,1996
Pfannerstill, Larry 1975
Pierce, Ralph 1966
Piff, The Magic Dragon 2024
Pingali and Pinella 1943
Pittman, Woody 1997
Pitts, Billy 1940,1942,1953,2010
Platt, Johnny 1946,1952,1962
Plough, Alvin 1939
Pollock, Kerry 2002,2007,2011
Pollock, Hi 1957, 1959
Pomerance, Lee 1975
Portala, Eli 2002,2004,2011,2017
Posgate, Bruce 1956,1961,1969,1984,1972,1974
Powell, Billy 1938
Powers, Mike 1989,2005
Pressley, Betty 1957
Presto, Elvis 2006
Preston, Theodore 1990
Prince Zombie 1944
Pryor, Randy 1984
Przysiecki, Pattrick 2004,2011
Puck, The Magic Of 2001.2013,2016,2019
Pullin, George 1938
Pyle, Jack 1961,1978,1982
Rabit, Elwood 1977
Radatz, Aaron 2001,2006,2011
Rai, Senor 1986,1987,1991,1993,1996
Rainey, Tom 1947,1955
Ramer, Rex & Eilene 1966
Ramm, Harold 1942
Rapp, Gus 1949,1955
Rappa, Michael 1996
Rauch, Matthias 2001
Raye, Rita 1959
Raymond, Gene 1974
Read, Bob 1989
Rebecca 1997
Reberski, Jason 2000,2004
Reed Sisters 2004,2009,2013
Reed, Shayna 2005
Reid, John 2024
Rench, Jack 1952,1953
Reneaux, James 1952,1962,1964,1968,1970,1974,1979
Rene 1961
Rhythm of Magic 2012
Rice, Hank 2005
Rich, Ian 2024
Richards, Kent & Dottie 1970,1972,1973
Ricketts, Jack 1943,1983
Riding, Joe 1981
Ries, Doug 2001
Rinehart, G.R. 1944
Rings, Sandy 1977,1979
Rivas, Trent 2021
Riviere, Marie De 1943
Robbins, Todd 1977,2000
Robbins 1958
Roberts, Whitey 1977
Rocco 1995, 2018
Rockhill, Tom 1949
Rodgers, Joan 1949
Rogers, Rick 1962,1966
Romaine 1995,2003,2007
Ross, Jon 1998
Ross, Nels (aka Cremean) 2001,2004,2011
Rossini, Rick 1985
Rowan, Jerry 1999
Roxanne (Germany) 1999
Roy, Daniel 2019
Roy, Marvyn & Carol 1991
Roydens, The 1952
Rumba, Bob 2006
Rush, Marvin 1942
Russ, Frank 1957, 1958
Russ, Rob 2001,2005
Russian Fantasy 1982
Ryan, Dick 1944,1971
Ryan, Jim 1953,1971
Saal, Al 1936,1938,1941,1942,1959
Salisse, John 1983,1987
Salmeron, Luis Manuel 1983,1987
Salwak, Dale 1968,1970,1973,1975,1976,1980,1981,1984,1986,1990,1993,1997,2002,2005
Samelson, Peter 2015
Sands, George 1993
Sandy, David 2007
Saterial, George 1998,2006,2010
Saxon, Lucille 1944
Scalzo, Frank 1969,1971
Scarlett, Peter 1989,1997,2006
Schick, Matt 2014
Schindler, George 1982,1999,2008
Schneiderman, Bob 1942,1943
Schofields, The 2001
Schoke, Charles 1943
Schuette, Paul 1962
Schultz, Greg 1979
Schwieter, Maria 2010
Scorpio & Linda 1975
Scorpio and Fantasy 1990
Scott, Derek 2002
Scott, Gil 1987,1990,1993
Scotti, Vito 1978,1979
Seabrooke, Terry 1979,1983,1985,1987,1991,1995,2004
Seebach, David 1983,1987,1991,1997,2003,2008,2012,2016,2022
Sefton, Brian 1986
Selden, Josh 2014
Serbiak, Paul 1975
Shafton, Sol 1974
Shang 1957
Shannon, Jim 1955,1958,1959,1961,1962,1964
Shaw, Barclay 1971,1972,1975
Shaxon, Alan 1997,2007
Shelly, Ali 2014
Sherman, Jim 1952
Sherms, Amazing 1964
Shimada 2003
Shirley, John 1966,1971
Shryock, John 2005,2014
Sierp, Martin 2024
Silly Billy 1999
Sir Pat-Trick 2016,2018
Skinta, John 1936
Skiver, Ryan 1999
Smalley, Lucy 1984,1987
Smiley, Josef 1965,1970
Smith, Bill 1977
Smith, H. Adrian 1939,1940,1941, 1958
Smith, Landis & Co. 1981
Smith, R.G. 1999
Smith, Virginia 1942
Smokini, The Great 1955
Snyder, Joseph 1956
Snyder, Pep 1953
Sommers, Jim 1965,1968,1976,1980
Souza, Marc De 1996
Spain, Steve 1978
Spangler, Bruce and Kathy 1964
Spangler, Noel 1942
Sperry, Dan 2001,2004,2014,2017
Spurlock & Co. 1970,1973
Stacey & Steven 1985
Stadelman, Paul 1943,1961,1967,1969
Stafford, Doug 2022
Stanley, Matthew David 2003,2008,2019
Stap, Don 1996
Stapleton, Dan 2011
Star, Tim 1980
Steele, Margaret 1997
Steelgraves, The 2015
Steinmeyer, Jim 1989,1992
Sterling, Jay 1998,2008
Sterling 1938
Sterlini, John 1993,1995,2014,2017
Stern, Duke 1940,1942,1943,1946,1948,1958,1962,1964,1965,1966,1967,1968,1969,1970,1971,1972
Stickley, Keith 2009,2015
Stoil & Kate 2009
Stoner, Dick 1994,2003
Stoner, Richard 1947
Strange, Glenn 1995
Straub, John 1953
Straw, Max 1959
Strickler, Howard 1940,1942,1943,1946,1964
Stunt Johnson Theater 1990,1993,2000,2003,2007
Sturk, John 2005,2006,2011,2013
Suey, Richard & Maria 1976,1977
Summers, Ken 1977
Sundmans, The 1972
Svetlana 1996
Swan, Doc 2013,2016,2021
Swann, Russell 1947
Sweet, Don 1941,1942,1943,1947,1953
Sweet, Neil 1947
Sydney and Marilyn 1955
Sylvester, Dan (The Jester) 1992
Tadlock, Bill 1969,1978
Talent, Bill 1953
Tappan, Peter 1976,1984,1993,2004
Tarbell, Harlan 1943,1949,1956,1958
Tarnecci, Bruno 2018, 2023
Taylor, Jania 1989, 1999
Taylor, Mark 2000
Tazzi 1957
Tendo, Mahka 1999
Terhune, Max 1957
The Great Ovette 1943
The Henneberrys 1956
Theobald, Don 1973,1974,1977,1996
Thiet, Dr. 1993,1995
Thomas, F.W. 1936
Thomas, Phil and Kay 1943
Thomas, Ward 1983,1987
Thompson, George 1949
Thompson, Jimmy Kator 1948
Thompson, Johnny (The Great Tomsoni) 1988,1992,2008
Thornton, Jesse 1940,1941
Thumm, Manfred 1993,1995
Timothy 2003
Tippen, Dale 1946
Todmans, John & Betty 1975,1985
Toeller, Tom 1975
Tom and Sherrie 1968,1970,1973,1974,1976,1980,1984,1986
Tomio 1974
Topas 1999
Tophat 1993
Torino, Senor 1962,1966,1969,1972
Toritto 2007
Torkova 1996
Tornquist, Craig 2007
Torrentis 1948
Trace, Arthur 2003,2007
Trent, Bob & Roscoe 1966
Tressler, Bill 1959,1997
Trimble, Jimmy 1936,1937,1938,1940,1942,1943
Trino 2018,2019
Trixx, Michael 2019, 2023
Troyans, The 1991
Turco, Michael 2018
Turner, Richard 2017
Uebele 1955
Usui, Takamiz 2019
Valentines Birds 1955,1961
Valentino, Clemens 2001
Vampira 1962
Vee, Larry 1982
Viano, Don 1971
Victor & Diamond 1997,2012
Victorsberg 1961
Virgil & Julie 1978
Volta 1943
Voronin 1996
Voss, Lynn 1969
Wadsworth, Kip 1964
Walker, Rick 1975,1983,1984,2000,2008
Walker, Steve 2008
Wandas, Suzy 1953,1961
Warner The Magician 1942
Watson, Bill 2002,2008
Watson, Monk 1942,1944,1946,1957,1962,1964,1965,1966,1968,1970,1971,1972,1973,1974,1979
Watson, Trigg 2014
Wawrzaszek, Jeff 1977,1978,1995,2014
Wear, Jimmy 1961,1964,1972
Webber, Professor W. 1955
Weber, Jorg A. 1989
Weber, Michael 1984
Webers, The Deceptive 1972
Wedertz, Bob 1936,1937
Weeks, Larry 1958
Weirdo 1958,1959
Welch, Lynetta 2016
Wellburn, Doc 1942
Wells, Scott 2014
Wenk, Tim 1989
Wessely, Otto 1982
West, Fielding 2013,2018,2021
West, Keith 2018,2021
West, Marjorie 1942
Whitcomb, Bob 1990
White, Joe 1962
Whitehurst, Jim 1942,1943
Wiberg, Don 1974
Wilcox, Earl Ray 1970,1976,1979,1986,1991,1994
Wilcox, Shirley 1942
Wild, Boris 2013
Willard, Frances 1979,1989
Williams, Adam 1996,2000
Williams, Geoff 2013
Williams, Mitch 1982,1983,1984,1986,1994
Williamson, David 1992,2010,2021,2024
Williston, Bill 1944
Willmarth, Phil 1984
Willow, Chad 1980
Wilson, Mark 1962
Wilson 1937
Windley, Chuck 1965,1972
Windsor, Jeanne 1943,1946
Windsor, Tommy 1944,1946,1962
Witkowski, Ray & Deborah 2002
Woodward, Mike 2002,2007,2018
World of Fantasy 1968
Worpel, Charles 1948
Wright, Tim (Skilldini) 1974,1975,1976,1977,1980,1983,1985,1987,1995,1998,2003,2009,2012,2021
X 2004
Yamamoto, Yugi 2005
Yedid, Meir 1988,1992
Yen, Rebekah 1997
Yo Master Zeemo 2000,2005,2010
Young, Jeff 1977
Young, Joseph 2005,2011
Younger, Mike 1980,1981,1983,1994
Yumi 2000,2005,2008,2011
Yuro, Yann 2024
Zabrecki, Robert 2017
Ziegler, Don 1972
Zihao, Liu 2010
Zimmerman, Diana 1971
Zimmerman, Dick 1991
Zink, Al 1942
Zodiac & Co. 1973
Zola, Dr. 1936,1937
Zolot, David 1975
Zorch, Pernell 1994
Zubrick Magic & Illusion 2006
Zucchini Brothers 1989
Zwartz, Mark 1987

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Welcome to the Magic Capital of the World. Abbott's Magic mission is simple: to provide the best magic products and service to our customers at the lowest prices possible. We take great pride in our company (which has been doing business since 1934), our commitment to customer service and in the products we sell. Our online store is designed to provide you with a safe and secure environment to browse our product catalog. The Abbott plant provides year round employment for our staff. More than 50,000 square feet is divided into the following departments: Business Offices, Printing Department, Art Department, Silk Dyeing, Computer Room, Sewing Assembly, Silk Screen Processing, Blacksmith Shop, Lathe, and Precision Metal Work, Plastic and Chemicals, Metal Casting, Tool and Die Making, Shipping, Experimental, Wood Working, Sheet Metal Shop, Stock Room, Paint Shop, Showrooms, Demonstration Stage and Magic Theatre. Our phenomenal success proves that we are the recognized leaders in magic - not only in America but the entire world. We are credited with instituting real and modern innovations for the benefit of buyers of magical apparatus - proof enough of our sincerity in wanting to give those buyers a fair deal always. Our factory facilities are such that we are in the position to make anything in magic. Also we own our factory buildings - the only buildings in the world designed for the sole purpose of manufacturing magic. Abbott's leads the entire magic field in producing original magic effects. To us, your first order is the beginning of a lasting friendship in magic. Abbotts is the publisher of Tops Magazine (30's - 50's), New Tops Magazine (60's - 90's), and most recently our free online version the Newest Tops Magazine with informative articles by some of todays top magic performers. Abbotts Magic Shop and Abbotts Magic Get Together have been in business since 1934. Annual events include the Closeup Magic Convention, Summer Magic shows at the Abbott magic plant, a 4 day Magic Convention in August aka Magic Get Together, and Magic Flea Market and Auction. The Magic Get Together magic convention is well over 70 years old and has had many of the worlds greatest magicians perform on its magic stage including Blackstone Sr, Blackstone Jr, Karrell Fox, Lance Burton, Mac King, Jeff McBride, Jeff Hobson, Harlan Tarbell,Cardini, Neil Foster, and about 900 more. Publications include Tops Magic Magazine, Abbotts Illusions, Colon MI aka the Magic Capital of the World, Abbott Magic Movies, Abbott's Magic Compendium, and Abbott's Magic Catalog which includes thousands of magic tricks, magic books, and magic illusions for magicians of all ages and all magician skill levels including beginner magician and professional magician. Abbott's believes that this website,, is the largest magic site dealing with a magic conventions in the world.